Brazilian Jiu Jitsu commonly known as BJJ is a self-defence martial art and combat sport based on grappling, ground fighting and submission holds. BJJ focuses on taking ones opponent down to the ground, gaining a dominant position and using a number of techniques to force them into submission via joint locks or chokeholds.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was first developed in 1925 by Brazilian brothers Carlos, Oswaldo, Gastão Jr., and Hélio Gracie, after Carlos was taught a hybrid of traditional Japanese Jujitsu and Kodokan judo by a travelling Japanese judoka, Mitsuyo Maeda, in 1917.
The word “Jiu Jitsu” derives from the Japanese “Jū” meaning “gentle” and “Jutsu” meaning “art”; essentially, Jiu Jitsu is the “gentle art”.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a predominantly ground-based martial art, using the principals of leverage, angles, pressure and timing, as well as knowledge of the human anatomy, in order to achieve a submission of one’s opponent.
Unlike other martial arts that focus on strikes and/or kicks, Jiu Jitsu focuses on close-contact “grappling” holds and techniques and the application of chokes and joint-manipulations.
FUN FACT : Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belts are called Professors which is Portuguese for "teacher"
The majority of submission holds can be grouped into two broad categories: joint locks and chokes. Joint locks typically involve isolating an opponent's limb and creating a lever with the body position, which will force the joint to move past its normal range of motion. Pressure is increased in a controlled manner and released if the opponent cannot escape the hold and signals defeat by tapping. A choke hold can disrupt the blood supply to the brain and cause unconsciousness if the opponent does not tap when required.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu focuses on getting an opponent to the ground from the standing position using Judo or wrestling, in order to neutralise possible strength or size advantages through ground fighting techniques and submission holds involving joint-locks and chokeholds. On the ground, physical strength can be offset or enhanced through proper grappling techniques.